Slowly the infrastructure for the popultion to act is created. This is simply great! 🙂

One of this inftrastructures is

For those who still have time to THINK instead of CHASING MONEY TO SURVIVE.

Please read this:

To Chancellor Merkel, the German government and all German governors:

We call on you to close nuclear plants swiftly and responsibly while respecting Germany’s climate targets, by investing in energy efficiency and renewable technologies. The majority of the public supports this shift. Civil society is proposing a set of principles for a clean, safe energy future, which we urge you to adopt. Germany has an opportunity to lead Europe and the world with a transformative energy policy that respects the security of the planet and its peoples.

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World-famous and beloved Chinese artist Ai Weiwei has been „disappeared“ by China’s state security forces. Every trace of Ai’s life and art have been erased from the Chinese internet, and his only hope may be a global outcry for his release.

Fearful of the pro-democracy protests sweeping the world (north africa, lybia, tunesia, syria ) , the government has cracked down on hundreds of free-thinking Chinese artists, intellectuals, students and citizens. But across the world, artists and art-lovers have begun to speak out in solidarity with Ai.

Chinese elites love buying contemporary art, and are planning a huge art fair in Beijing. If international galleries and artists withdraw from the fair, they’ll send shockwaves through the regime. Let’s build a massive global wave of support for top gallerists and artists to stop exhibiting in China until Ai Weiwei is freed. We’ll deliver it at the Venice Biennale exhibition soon, and publish the reactions of major galleries and artists.

We urge you to stop exhibiting your art in China until Ai Weiwei is free. If the Chinese government is allowed to get away with the disappearance of its most famous artist, no other artist is safe, and no artist is free.

der chinesische künstler ai weiwei, mit dem das haus der kunst 2009/10 die ausstellung „so sorry“

Dies sind Schulränzen welche für die 10000 getöteten chinesischen Kinder/Schüler stehen, welche bei dem verheerenden Erdbeben in Szetschuan gestorben sind, u.a. weil die Schulgebäude mit minderwertigen Materialien gebaut worden sind. Wieviele gestorben sind und wie Sie heißen… all das möchte die chinesische Regierung verheimlichen um den Zorn der Bevölkerung zu hemmen.

realisierte, wurde am 03 april verhaftet. bisher gibt es wenig anlass zu der hoffnung, dass er in den nächsten tagen freikommen wird. wir beobachten das geschehen intensiv und sind täglich mit einigen seiner mitarbeiter in kontakt. unser engagement in der sache ist kontinuierlich, und unsere position eindeutig: unser ziel ist die freilassung von ai weiwei. hierfür versuchen wir auch international verbündete zu gewinnen.

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