Sorry to say this but IMHO (and i am not islamic but ex-catholic)

Donald Rumsfeld is

A Donald (Terrorist) Devil.

He learned that the free market „works“. And how it works is by the „natural“ right of the stronger to take what he wants (even the life of another human beeing) and justify this with idiotic reasons like „we want to liberate the people of iraq from dictatorship and bring them democracy“ like many US soldiers were told before they marched towards bagdad to wash away all doubts that this was not the right thing to do for the reason that 911 had nothing to do with Saddam Hussein as much as the second US invasion of the iraq had nothing to do with human rights but with oil, money and a nation, strong enough to steal what it wants.

IT WAS DEVELISH DEMO-CRAZY! resulting in a brutal gang-civil-war among the iraq people that killed more than half a million civilians.

„US misadventure in Iraq is responsible for setting off the killing of twice as many civilians as Saddam managed to polish off in 25 years.“

655,000 Dead in Iraq since Bush Invasion

The last thing this man cares for is the survival of the poor and the powerless.

He probably believes in „natural“ selection of those intelligent enough to survive to rule, torutre and enslave fellow people (and probably even his own children).

He was even called „America’s Grandpa of Death“



As several European countries, the support of soldiers in the war refused, he described this as Old Europe, and when he was told that Austria because of its neutrality, no American troop movements could allow over Austrian territory in connection with a possible war in Iraq, he commented with the words: „Austria is making problems“ („Austria is making trouble“).

He was regarded as a staunch „hawk“ in the administration of George W. Bush. However, he was there – as in the armed forces – not just friends. After Bush’s re-election in November 2004, he was taken contrary to some predictions in the second cabinet.

In the wake of the Iraq war, the Pentagon is alleged to have worked out any plans for an adequate handling of Baghdad after the conquest.

In connection with the abuse allegations and videos in Baghdad’s Abu Ghraib prison in May 2004, Rumsfeld was confronted with massive withdrawal demands of the press and the U.S. Senate. A renewed demand resignation of Rumsfeld found himself the Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry on 25 August 2004 because of the torture scandal at Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison, suspended. Justifies this claim with the results of the investigation commission was dated the day before. In January 2005, Rumsfeld in an interview with CNN, President Bush twice to have offered his resignation, which had rejected this.

The lawyer Wolfgang Kaleck filed on 30 November 2004 on behalf of the U.S. human rights organization Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) at the German Federal Prosecutor’s Office filed a lawsuit for war crimes and breaches of international law in Iraq to Rumsfeld. [4] led Kaleck complaint shortly thereafter to threats from the Pentagon that a legal represent an additional burden on the prosecution Rumsfeld relations between the U.S. and Germany. [5] Federal Prosecutor Kay Nehm rejected the complaint on 10 February 2005 on the grounds of lack of competence. [6]

After the Republican defeat in the congressional elections of 2006, President Bush announced on 8 November 2006, the resignation of Rumsfeld as defense minister. When Bush nominated Robert Gates, Rumsfeld’s successor.
After his resignation as Secretary of Defense [Edit]

On 14 November 2006, Wolfgang Kaleck, representing one of 44 organizations and individuals, again due to a criminal complaint against Rumsfeld, war crimes, which on 27 April 2007 but again rejected by the Attorney General. Was [7] [8]

In December 2008, a study by a U.S. Senatsauschuss Rumsfeld’s direct responsibility for the use of controversial interrogation techniques of prisoners at Guantanamo and in U.S. prisons in Iraq. Rumsfeld authorized the use of interrogation methods that were from training programs from the Cold War and soldiers should prepare what they had expected for capture by communist countries. [9] In August 2011 allowed an appeal by the United States, two U.S. citizens to initiate a civil lawsuit against Rumsfeld because of the non-approval and prevention of possible torture them. [10] in dispute in the above-mentioned process is the question of whether present „enhanced interrogation techniques“ torture within the meaning of the definition. On 8 Rumsfeld’s memoirs published in February 2011 under the title of Known and Unknown: A Memoir [11].
Awards [Edit]

Rumsfeld was assigned to eleven academic honors. He was among others in 1977 with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1993 and awarded the Eisenhower Medal.

German original Text of Wikipedia

Als mehrere europäische Staaten die Unterstützung durch Soldaten am Krieg verweigerten, bezeichnete er diese als Old Europe, und als man ihm mitteilte, dass Österreich aufgrund seiner Neutralität keine amerikanischen Truppenbewegungen über österreichischem Staatsgebiet in Zusammenhang mit einem möglichen Krieg im Irak erlauben dürfe, kommentierte er dies mit den Worten: „Austria is making problems“ („Österreich macht Schwierigkeiten“).

Er galt als entschiedener „Falke“ innerhalb der Regierung von George W. Bush. Indes hatte er dort – wie auch in den Streitkräften – nicht nur Freunde. Nach Bushs Wiederwahl im November 2004 wurde er entgegen mancher Prognosen in dessen zweites Kabinett übernommen.

Im Zuge des Irakkrieges wird dem Pentagon vorgeworfen, keine ausreichenden Pläne für eine Handhabung Bagdads nach der Eroberung ausgearbeitet zu haben.

Im Zusammenhang mit den Misshandlungsvorwürfen und -videos im Bagdader Abu-Ghuraib-Gefängnis sah sich Rumsfeld im Mai 2004 mit massiven Rücktrittsforderungen der Presse und des US-Senats konfrontiert. Einer erneuten Rücktrittsforderung sah sich Rumsfeld durch den demokratischen Präsidentschaftskandidaten John Kerry am 25. August 2004 wegen des Folterskandals im irakischen Gefängnis Abu Ghuraib ausgesetzt. Begründet wurde diese Forderung mit den Ergebnissen der Untersuchungskommission vom Vortag. Im Januar 2005 gab Rumsfeld in einem Interview mit CNN an, Präsident Bush zweimal seinen Rücktritt angeboten zu haben, was dieser jedoch abgelehnt habe.

Der Rechtsanwalt Wolfgang Kaleck reichte am 30. November 2004 in Vertretung der US-Menschenrechtsorganisation Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) bei der deutschen Bundesanwaltschaft eine Strafanzeige wegen Kriegsverbrechen und Verstößen gegen das Völkerrecht im Irak gegen Rumsfeld ein.[4] Kalecks Strafanzeige führte wenig später zu Drohungen des Pentagons, dass eine juristische Verfolgung Rumsfelds eine weitere Belastung der Beziehungen zwischen den USA und Deutschland darstellen würde.[5] Generalbundesanwalt Kay Nehm lehnte die Strafanzeige am 10. Februar 2005 mit der Begründung fehlender Zuständigkeit ab.[6]

Nach der Niederlage der Republikaner bei den Kongresswahlen 2006 verkündete Präsident Bush am 8. November 2006 den Rücktritt von Rumsfeld als Verteidigungsminister. Als Rumsfelds Nachfolger nominierte Bush Robert Gates.

Nach seinem Rücktritt als Verteidigungsminister [Bearbeiten]

Am 14. November 2006 reichte Wolfgang Kaleck, in Vertretung von 44 Organisationen und Einzelpersonen, erneut gegen Rumsfeld eine Strafanzeige wegen Kriegsverbrechen ein, welche am 27. April 2007 abermals von der Bundesanwaltschaft abgelehnt wurde.[7][8]

Im Dezember 2008 ergab eine Untersuchung durch einen US-Senatsauschuss direkte Verantwortlichkeit Rumsfelds für die Anwendung umstrittener Verhörmethoden von Gefangenen in Guantánamo und in US-Gefängnissen im Irak. Rumsfeld autorisierte die Anwendung von Verhörmethoden, die von Trainingsprogrammen aus dem Kalten Krieg stammten und Soldaten darauf vorbereiten sollten, was sie bei einer Gefangennahme durch kommunistische Staaten zu erwarten hatten.[9] Im August 2011 gestattete ein Appellationsgericht der Vereinigten Staaten zwei US-amerikanischen Staatsbürgern, eine Zivilrechtsklage gegen Rumsfeld wegen der Zulassung und Nichtverhinderung von möglicher Folterung an ihnen einzuleiten. [10] Strittig in den oben genannten Verfahren ist die Frage, ob „erweiterte Verhörmethoden“ Folter im Sinne der Definition darstellen. Am 8. Februar 2011 erschienen Rumsfelds Memoiren unter dem Titel Known and Unknown: A Memoir.[11]


Rumsfeld erhielt elf akademische Ehrentitel. Er wurde unter anderem 1977 mit der Presidential Medal of Freedom und 1993 mit der Eisenhower-Medal ausgezeichnet.


i do not know you personally…. but as minister of defense….. you were more than a dumb puppy? or am i wrong and you were in fact a dumb puppy of the C.I.A.?

both ways: shame on you.

„America’s Grandpa of Death Donald Rumsfeld is having his memoir published on Tuesday, serving as an addendum to George W. Bush’s book in that it has actual, alleged facts, opinions, and memories in it. So: Abu Ghraib? Not his fault, but he really wanted to resign over it and feels very emo that big meanie Bush wouldn’t let him. Initial troop levels? Not his fault, nobody in the military ever asked him for more troops. Guantanamo? Not his fault the jail existed, and actually he made sure there was less torture and fewer prisoners. Hmm, anything we’re forgetting here? Oh, that one war. What was it called again? Anyway, not his fault, Bush came to him about Iraq before the U.S. even invaded Afghanistan, but at the same meeting, he also talked about Rummy’s son’s drug addiction, so all Rummy could do was cry about that. Whoops! “