it’s not a crack. it’s micro$oft 😀

because microsoft loves to re-use it’s internet explorer for navigating folders AND doing system related stuff.

during the activation process (when moved/migrated your server via xen convert to a VM) you can press Ctrl+L / Strg+L to open a URL or „DURCHSUCHEN“ to get into the local FILESYTEM !!!! 😀

and also open files and folders and applications (through Shift+R-Click on a File -> Choose Appliaction to open this file type)

as shown here:

it also seems to work in the german version:

you can r-click -> new link -> cmd

or explorer.exe will give you THE FULL DESKTOP!

But do not close the activation window or it will log you out.

run it as the same admin user that you logged in with:

similar things work with windows 7 / vista / windows server 2008

as you can read here

and here:


you can try to permanently activate, it did not work for me (2003 sbs)