First of all: Climates have always be changing. Even before mankind. One hit by a large meteor… there you have your new ice-age.

So we are really on a space ship called earth… and we should not shit in it.

How do we experience climate change in the western world?

Not that much.climate-change_1509200c

But the transitions between winter and summer become shorter.

Spring and Autumn almos dissapear.

The winter was very long and cold in 2012/2013. We had warm conditions at the north pole, and icy air came down to europe from the north.

There was a short glimpse of summer in april, two weeks of sun shine. But then again, snow-cold.

Suddenly things changed at 15th of June, within one/two weeks temperatures went from less than 10°C to over 30°C.

Summer 2013 is here and it kicks in hard.

I really wonder what kind of plants can stand this „cold-hot-cold-hot-cold-hot“ stuff.

I don’t want earth to become another mars. (99% CO2 there… and lot’s of deadly radiation (no atmosphere is shielding the planet)

The advisor to the German chancellor on climate change, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, in describing his 5ºC scenario, envisages a planet with a ‘carrying capacity’ of below one billion people. But a 5ºC warming scenario is possible in this century if nothing is done.
Stern says: ‘This is not a “black swan” [an event beyond normal expectation]…. This is not a small probability of a rather unattractive outcome.
This is a big probability of a very bad outcome.’
A 2ºC level of warming has been called ‘economically acceptable’– it is what most rich-world governments will settle for. But it still means death, suffering, and devastation for millions – 660 million people by 2030, according to one authoritative prediction.
It is predicted that 230 Million people will flee the increasingly hostile climates.
Lord Nicholas Stern, the economist turned climate change authority whose work since 2005 has directed UK government policy, said in a paper of recommendations for the April 2009 G20 meeting in London:
‘Staying below a 2°C increase … will be challenging because the climate system already contains more warming potential than previously assumed. Greenhouse gas emissions are increasing at a faster pace, the planet’s capacity to sequester carbon in natural sinks is decreasing and the temporary cooling effects of aerosols in the atmosphere are likely to diminish… Thus the likelihood of global warming in the 21st century even beyond the threshold of a 2. 4°C increase is dangerously high.’
indicated that perhaps 90 per cent of scientists working in the field thought that the world was unlikely to be able to limit itself to warming of around 2ºC, mainly because they doubted that
governments and politicians would agree the necessary curbs on emissions, or achieve what they had pledged. ‘In theory we could just make it,’ said Martin Parry, co-chair of the IPCC. ‘But this is the real world, not scientific theory – and who would bet on this, given our experience with the pace of [progress] in the past?’
sandstorm china
Chao Quingchen, deputy director-general of the Department of Science and Technology Development at the China Meteorological Administration ‘The instability of Chinese agriculture has increased… (and) the issue of water resources is becom ing increasingly serious,’ she says.
Oxfam and a local NGO have been helping farmers to diversify, In 2007, Li’s family invested Rmb750 to plant wolfberries (Goji)  wolfberrieson 1.5 acres of their land. Drought-resistant, the small red berry is used in medicines, soups, and wine, and the bush also functions as a sand barrier and soil fixer. Yet last year there was no crop. ‘We just didn’t have money to buy a net to protect the crop from birds,’ Li sighs. ‘I will work harder to make more money this year so that I can buy a net. We will get prepared for a big red harvest of wolfberries next autumn.’
Carbon dioxide (CO2) : Carbon dioxide enters the atmosphere through burning fossil fuels (coal, natural gas and oil), solid waste, trees and wood products, and also as a result of certain chemical reactions (e.g., manufacture of cement). Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere (or „sequestered“) when it is absorbed by plants as part of the biological carbon cycle.
32% of total U.S. CO2 emissions in 2011 was for producing ELECTRICITY! (this needs to change! EVERYWHERE! NOT JUST USA! China burns a lot of Coal from Australia)
Methane / CH4 / your fart! 😀 accounted for about 9% of all U.S. greenhouse gas emissions from human activities. Methane is emitted by natural sources such as wetlands, as well as human activities such as leakage from natural gas systems and the raising of livestock.